Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shimmy Shimmy Shake with a side of electricity

The kiln is now set up in the basement, which is unfortunately a little damp at the moment. It is very important that the kiln be level. I've struggled for a while on exactly how to shim the kiln stand before placing the kiln on it. If I used a regular wood shim it may rot over time or possibly collapse over time with a kiln that is approximately 165lbs.. So today I spent some time at Lowe's looking at outlets for the kiln (more on that in a second) and I got inspired. I could use electrical junction box covers as shims! They only cost about $.59 a piece and they could handle the weight and not rot out. I am extremely happy with myself for this thought.

My kiln takes a 20 amp plug, the same that a lot of clothes washers take. Unfortunately for me my outlet for the dryer is too far away for me to also use for the kiln. The kiln really should have its own breaker. Our plan had been to have it on the same breaker as the washer, but never use them at the same time. I also considered trying to make an extension cord for the outlet, but I was strongly advised against it, and I was uncomfortable with my own idea for that in any case. I am having a certified electrician come over tomorrow and look at it for me. It may only cost around $100 - $120 to do it, and considering the safety factor, it is the right thing to do. So alas, I have to wait even longer to prep the kiln and start experimenting.

Till next time.

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