Sunday, October 30, 2011

layered pattern

 I am attempting to do a layered pattern here as an experiment.  I can see during my assembly that I'm a little bit off from a perfect cut. For now I'm going to do a full fuse and then trim , if needed. I ended up justifying 3 sides, so I will only have to trim 1 side, if at all.

In a geometric project I usually use my Morton cutting system. Today I noticed a bit of give in some areas which made my cuts not as accurate as they should be. So I am considering trying s new system that I've seen around called Beetle bits.
I like the integrated angle edge and the cutter add on. I'll have to let this gel for a while to see if I want to invest in it. I have so many other things I'd like to buy, like a better scroll saw and a glass saw that I can cut glass bricks with.

Can't wait to see how this turns out.